试试在各个操作系统上对文件大小单位的进制 https://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/binary.html

Prefixes for binary multiples

2^10kibiKikilobinary: (210)1kilo: (103)1
2^20mebiMimegabinary: (210)2mega: (103)2
2^30gibiGigigabinary: (210)3giga: (103)3
2^40tebiTiterabinary: (210)4tera: (103)4
2^50pebiPipetabinary: (210)5peta: (103)5
2^60exbiEiexabinary: (210)6exa: (103)6
one kibibit1 Kibit = 210 bit = 1024 bit
one kilobit1 kbit = 103 bit = 1000 bit
one byte1 B = 23 bit = 8 bit
one mebibyte1 MiB = 220 B = 1 048 576 B
one megabyte1 MB = 106 B = 1 000 000 B
one gibibyte1 GiB = 230 B = 1 073 741 824 B
one gigabyte1 GB = 109 B = 1 000 000 000 B

在linux的coreutil 里同样采用了这套国际标准


With human-readable formats, output sizes are followed by a size letter such as ‘M’ for megabytes. BLOCK_SIZE=human-readable uses powers of 1024; ‘M’ stands for 1,048,576 bytes. BLOCK_SIZE=si is similar, but uses powers of 1000 and appends ‘B’; ‘MB’ stands for 1,000,000 bytes.

A block size specification preceded by ‘’’ causes output sizes to be displayed with thousands separators. The LC_NUMERIC locale specifies the thousands separator and grouping. For example, in an American English locale, ‘—block-size=“‘1kB”’ would cause a size of 1234000 bytes to be displayed as ‘1,234’. In the default C locale, there is no thousands separator so a leading ‘’’ has no effect.

An integer block size can be followed by a suffix to specify a multiple of that size. A bare size letter, or one followed by ‘iB’, specifies a multiple using powers of 1024. A size letter followed by ‘B’ specifies powers of 1000 instead. For example, ‘1M’ and ‘1MiB’ are equivalent to ‘1048576’, whereas ‘1MB’ is equivalent to ‘1000000’.

A plain suffix without a preceding integer acts as if ‘1’ were prepended, except that it causes a size indication to be appended to the output. For example, ‘—block-size=“kB”’ displays 3000 as ‘3kB’.